This course focuses on the pivotal role of School Management Committees (SMCs) in enhancing educational governance and community participation, particularly in the context of the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020.
Participants will explore how SMCs serve as a bridge between schools and communities, fostering collaboration to improve educational outcomes. The course will highlight strategies adopted by Alpa R. Desai, a school leader from Goa, who shares her insights on increasing SMC participation in her school.
This is an introductory course designed to help educators understand the importance of engaging communities in the learning process. We will explore the significance of productive community participation in enhancing educational outcomes and how leveraging community resources can create enriching learning experiences for students.
In this course, we will explore the transformative potential of leveraging the community as an extended learning resource to enhance student learning. By integrating local knowledge, experiences, and practices into the educational framework, we aim to bridge the gap between academic content and real-world applications.
School leader Sneha S. Gaonkar from Goa will share effective strategies implemented in her school to engage community members in the learning process. These strategies include inviting local experts to introduce textbook concepts through hands-on activities, fostering a deeper understanding of subjects by connecting them to students' everyday lives.